プロジェクト1 – 横山チーム


 私たちは、難治性小児がんのメカニズムの解明と分子標的薬の創薬を目指し、特に白血病にフォーカスして研究をしています。白血病は小児がんの主な原因疾患であり、発症には「MYC」というタンパク質が深く関わっています。遺伝子異常の結果、このMYC が異常に産生されることが、がん化を引き起こす主要な原因であることが分かっています。私たちは独自に開発したゲノム解析技術や鶴岡が誇るメタボローム解析を通じて「MYC が引き起こすがん」と「代謝」の関係性を明らかにし、がんの本質に迫りたいと考えています。そして「MYC 関連がん」に対する分子標的薬の開発に取り組み、全ての小児がんに対する解決策を見出したいと思っています。


横山 明彦Akihiko Yokoyama









■初代培養骨髄前駆細胞を用いたex vivo 培養系

研究業績( *corresponding author)


*Yokoyama A, Niida H, *Kutateladze TG, *Côté J. HBO1, a MYSTerious KAT and its links to cancer BBA-Gene Regulatory Mechanisms (REVIEW) (2024)(1867:3:195045) doi.org/10.1016/j.bbagrm.2024.195045

#Gaurav N, #Kanai A, #Lachance C, Cox KL, Liu J, Grzybowski AT, Saksouk N, Klein BJ, Komata Y, Asada S, Ruthenburg AJ, Poirier MG, *Côté J, *Yokoyama A, and *Kutateladze TG.  Guiding the HBO1 complex function through the JADE subunit  Nature Structural & Molecular Biology


Becht DC, Kanai A, Halawa M, Biswas S, Shi X, Yokoyama Aand Kutateladze TG. The winged helix domain of MORF binds CpG islands and the TAZ2 domain of p300  iScience




Xiao M, Kondo S, Nomura M, Kato S, Nishimura K, Zhang W, Zhang Y, Akashi T, Viny A, Shigehiro T, Ikawa T, Yamazaki H, Fukumoto M, Tanaka A, Hayashi Y, Koike Y, Aoyama Y, Ito H, Nishikawa H, Kitamura T, Kanai A, Yokoyama A, Fujiwara T, Goyama S, Noguchi H, Lee SC, Toyoda A, Hinohara K, Abdel-Wahab O, Inoue D. BRD9 determines the cell fate of hematopoietic stem cells by regulating chromatin state
Nature Communications (2023) Dec 15;14(1):8372. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-44081-6. 

Chen Y, Yamamoto T, Takahashi Y, Moro T, Tajima T, Sakaguchi Y, Sakata N, Yokoyama A, Hijioka S, Sada A, Tabata Y, Ohki R. Metabolic intervention by low carbohydrate diet suppresses the onset and progression of neuroendocrine tumors Cell Death Disease (2023) Sep 7;14(9):597. doi: 10.1038/s41419-023-06123-1.

#Komata Y, #Kanai A, Maeda T, Inaba T, *Yokoyama A #co-first author, *corresponding author
MOZ/ENL complex is a recruiting factor of leukemic AF10 fusion proteins  Nature Communications (2023)14:1979

DOI 10.1038/s41467-023-37712-5
リリース 白血病を引き起こすタンパク質の機能の一端を解明

#Becht DC, #Klein BJ, #Kanai A, #Jang SM, Cox KL, Zhou BR, Phanor SK, Zhang Y1, Chen RW, Ebmeier CC, Lachance C, Galloy M, Fradet-Turcotte A, Bulyk ML, Bai Y, Poirier, MG, *Côté J, *Yokoyama A, and *Kutateladze TG. #co-first author, *co-corresponding author
MORF and MOZ acetyltransferases target unmethylated CpG islands through the winged helix domain   
Nature Communications (2023)14:697 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-36368-5



*Okuda H, Miyamoto M, Takahashi S, Kawamura T Ichikawa J, Harada I, Tamura T and *Yokoyama A RNA-Binding Proteins of KHDRBS and IGF2BP families control the Oncogenic Activity of MLL-AF4 Nature Communications (2022) 13:6688 DOI:10.1038/s41467-022-34558-1

Tanaka A, Nakano T, Nomura M, Yamazaki H, Bewersdorf J, Mulet-Lazaro R, Hogg S, Liu B, Penson A, Yokoyama A, Zang W, Havermans M, Koizumi M, Hayashi Y, Cho H, Kanai A, Lee S, Xiao M, Koike Y, Zhang Y, Fukumoto M, Aoyama Y, Konuma T, Kunimoto H, Inaba T, Nakajima H, Honda H, Kawamoto H, Dell R, Abdel-Wahab O, Inoue D Aberrant EVI1 splicing contributes to EVI1-rearranged leukemia. Blood  PMID: 35709354
DOI: 10.1182/blood.2021015325 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35709354/

Koyaguchi T, Niida H, Motegi A, Sakai S, Uchida C, Ohata T, Iijima K, Yokoyama A, Suda T, Kitagawa M. Chromatin-remodeling factor BAZ1/ACF1 targets UV damage sites in an MLL1-dependent manner to facilitate nucleotide excision repair. BBA-Molecular Cell Research (2022)119332
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbamcr.2022.119332

Isobe T, Takagi M, Sato-Otsubo A, Nishimura A, Nagae G, Yamagishi C, Tamura M, Tanaka Y, Asada S, Takeda R, Tsuchiya A, Wang X, Yoshida K, Nannya Y, Ueno H, Akazawa R, Kato I, Mikami T, Watanabe K, Sekiguchi M, Seki M, Kimura S, Hiwatari M, Kato M, Fukuda S, Tatsuno K, Tsutsumi S, Kanai A, Inaba T, Shiozawa Y, Shiraishi Y, Chiba K, Tanaka H, Kotecha RS, Cruickshank MN, Ishikawa F, Morio T, Eguchi M, Deguchi T, Kiyokawa N, Arakawa Y, Koh K, Aoki Y, Ishihara T, Tomizawa D, Miyamura T, Ishii E, Mizutani S, Wilson NK, Göttgens B, Miyano S, Kitamura T, Goyama S, Yokoyama A, Aburatani H, Ogawa S, Takita J Multi-omics analysis defines highly refractory RAS burdened immature subgroup of infant acute lymphoblastic leukemia Nature Communications (2022) 13:4501 DOI:https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-32266-4

Shinriki S, Hirayama M, Nagamachi A, Yokoyama A, Kawamura T, Kanai A, Kawai H, Iwakiri J, Liu R, Maeshiro M, Tungalag S, Tasaki M, Ueda M, Tomizawa K, Kataoka N, Ideue T, Suzuki Y, Asai K, Tani T, Inaba T, and Matsui H DDX41 coordinates RNA splicing and transcriptional elongation to prevent DNA replication stress in hematopoietic cells Leukemia (2022) 36:2605-2620 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41375-022-01708-9



*Yokoyama A. Role of the MOZ/MLL-mediated transcriptional activation system for self-renewal in normal hematopoiesis and leukemogenesis. The FEBS Journal (REVIEW, in press)

Yamamoto K, Goyama S, Asada S, Fujino T, Yonezawa T, Sato N, Takeda R, Tsuchiya A, Fukuyama T, Tanaka Y, Yokoyama A, Toya H, Kon A, Nannya Y, Onoguchi-Mizutani R, Nakagawa S, Hirose T, Ogawa S, Akimitsu N, Kitamura T A histone modifier, ASXL1, interacts with NONO and is involved in paraspeckle formation in hematopoietic cells. Cell Reports 36(8):109576. (2021) doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.109576.

Takahashi S, Kanai A, Okuda H, Miyamoto R, Komata Y, Kawamura T, Matsui H, Inaba T, Takaori-Kondo A, *Yokoyama A. HBO1-MLL interaction promotes AF4/ENL/P-TEFb-mediated leukemogenesis. eLife 10:e65872 (2021) DOI: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.65872
リリース 2021.8.30 _白血病を引き起こすタンパク質間相互作用の発見 final2

Capodanno Y, Chen Y, Schrader J, Tomosugi M, Sumi S, Yokoyama A, Hiraoka N, Ohki R. Cross-talk among MEN1, p53 and Notch regulates the proliferation of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor cells by modulating INSM1 expression and subcellular localization Neoplasia 23(9):979-992. (2021) doi: 10.1016/j.neo.2021.07.008

*Yokoyama A. Leukemogenesis via aberrant self-renewal by the MLL/AEP-mediated transcriptional activation system. Cancer Science (REVIEW) https://doi.org/10.1111/cas.15054

Miyamoto R, Kanai A, Okuda H, Komata Y, Takahashi S, Matsui H, Inaba T, *Yokoyama A. HOXA9 promotes MYC-mediated leukemogenesis by maintaining gene expression for multiple anti-apoptotic pathways. eLife 10:e64148 (2021) DOI: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.64148

Miyamoto R, and Yokoyama A. Protocol for fractionation-assisted native ChIP (fanChIP) to capture protein-protein/DNA interactions on chromatin. STAR Protocols 2, 100404 (2021) doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xpro.2021.100404


Nagamachi A, Kanai A, Nakamura M, Okuda H, Yokoyama A, Shinriki S, Matsui H, Inaba T Multi-organ failure with abnormal receptor metabolism in mice mimicking Samd9/9L syndromes J. Clin. Invest. (2020). https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI140147.

#Miyamoto R, #Okuda H, #Kanai A, Takahashi S, Kawamura T, Matsui H, Kitamura T, Kitabayashi I, Inaba T, *Yokoyama A Activation of CpG-rich promoters mediated by MLL drives MOZ-rearranged leukemia Cell Reports 32:13;108200 (2020) doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2020.108200 #co-first author

Takeda R, Asada S, Park SJ, Yokoyama A, Becker H, Kanai A, Visconte V, Hershberger C, Hayashi Y, Yonezawa T, Tamura M, Fukushima T, Tanaka Y, Fukuyama T, Matsumoto A, Yamasaki S, Nakai K, Yamazaki S, Inaba T, Shibata T, Inoue D, Honda H, Goyama S, Maciejewski J, Kitamura T. HHEX promotes myeloid transformation in cooperation with mutant ASXL1 Blood 136 (14): 1670–1684. (2020) DOI:10.1182/blood-2019-126663

Ochi Y, Kon A, Sakata T, Nakagawa MM, Nakazawa N, Kakuta M, Kataoka K, Koseki H, Nakayama M, Morishita D, Tsuruyama T, Saiki R, Yoda A, Okuda R, Yoshizato T, Yoshida K, Shiozawa Y, Nannya Y, Kotani S, Kogure Y, Kakiuchi N, Nishimura T, Makishima H, Malcovati L, Yokoyama A, Takeuchi K, Sugihara E, Sato T, Sanada M, Takaori-Kondo A, Cazzola M, Kengaku M, Miyano S, Shirahige K, Suzuki H, Ogawa S. Combined Cohesin-Runx1 deficiency synergistically perturbs chromatin looping and causes myelodysplastic syndromes. Cancer Discovery 10:836–53 (2020) DOI: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-19-0982

Takahashi S, *Yokoyama A. The molecular functions of common and atypical MLL fusion protein complexes BBA – Gene Regulatory Mechanisms 1863(7):194548 (2020) [REVIEW] doi: 10.1016/j.bbagrm.2020.194548

Tatsumi G, Kawahara M, Imai T, Nishihata-Asai A, Nishida A, Inatomi O, Yokoyama A, Kakuta Y, Kito K, Andoh A. Thiopurine-mediated impairment of hamtopoietic stem and leukemia cells in Nudt15R138C knock-in mice. Leukemia 34(3):882-894 (2020) DOI ;10.1038/s41375-019-0583-9

Paubelle E, Zylbersztejn F, Maciel TT, Carvalho C, Mupo A, Cheok M, Lieben L, Sujobert P, Decroocq J, Yokoyama A, Asnafi V, Macintyre E, Tamburini J, Bardet V, Castaigne S, Preudhomme C, Dombret H, Carmeliet G, Bouscary D, Ginzburg YZ, de Thé H, Benhamou M, Monteiro RC, Vassiliou GS, Hermine O, Moura IC Vitamin D receptor controls cell stemness in acute myeloid leukemia and in normal bone marrow. Cell Reports. 30(3):739-754. (2020) doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.12.055.



*Yokoyama A RNA polymerase II-dependent transcription initiated by selectivity factor 1: a central mechanism used by MLL fusion proteins in leukemic transformation (review) Frontiers in Genetics (RNA) 9:722 (2019)


Asada S, Goyama S, Inoue D,  Shikata S,  Takeda R, Fukushima T,  Yonezawa T,  Fujino T, Hayashi Y, Kawabata K, Fukuyama T, Tanaka Y, Yokoyama A Yamazaki S, Kozuka-Hata H, Oyama M, Kojima S,  Kawazu M, Mano H, Kitamura T Mutant ASXL1 cooperates with BAP1 to promote myeloid leukaemogenesis Nature Communications 9:2733 (2018)

Inoue D,  Fujino T,  Sheridan P,  Y Zhang Y,  Nagase R, Horikawa S, Li Z, Matsui H, Kanai A, Saika M,  Yamaguchi R,  Kozuka-Hata H,  Kawabata K,  Yokoyama A,  Goyama S,  Inaba T,  Imoto S,  Miyano S,  Xu M,  Yang F,  Oyama M, and Kitamura T. A novel ASXL1-OGT axis plays roles in H3K4 methylation and tumor suppression in myeloid malignancies Leukemia 32:1327-1337 (2018)


Okuda H, and *Yokoyama A  In vivo leukemogenesis model using retrovirus transduction Bio-protcol 7:23, e2627 (2017)

Okuda H, and *Yokoyama A  Myeloid progenitor transformation assay Bio-protcol 7:23, e2626 (2017)

Chen Y,  Anastassiadis K, Kranz A, Stewart AF, Arndt K, Waskow C, Yokoyama A, Jones K, Neff T, Lee Y, Ernst P. MLL2, Not MLL1, Plays a Major Role in Sustaining MLL-Rearranged Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Cancer Cell 31:6, p755-770 (2017)

#Okuda H, #Stanojevic B, Kanai A, Kawamura T, Takahashi S, Matsui H, Takaori-Kondo A, *Yokoyama A. Cooperative gene activation by AF4 and DOT1L drives MLL-rearranged leukemia. J. Clin. Invest. 127(5) 1918-1931#co-first author (2017)

*Yokoyama A. Transcriptional activation by MLL fusion proteins in leukemogenesis.(review) Experimental. Hematology 6:21–30 (2017)


Okuda H, Takahashi S, Takaori-Kondo A, *Yokoyama A. TBP loading by AF4 through SL1 is the major rate-limiting step in MLL fusion-dependent transcription. Cell Cycle 15:20, 2712-2722, (2016)

Kadono M, Kanai A, Nagamachi A, Shinriki S, Kanata J, Iwato K, Kyo T, Ochima K, Yokoyama A, Kawamura T, Nagase R, Inoue D, Kitamura T, Inaba T, Ichinohe T, Matsui H. Biological implications of somatic DDX41 p.R525H mutation in acute myeloid leukemia Experimental Hematology 44:745-754 (2016)


Okuda H,  Kanai A,  Ito S,  Matsui H,  *Yokoyama A. AF4 utilizes the SL1 components of RNAP1 machinery to initiate MLL fusion- and AEP-dependent transcription Nature Communications 6:8869 (2015)
PDF for press release

*Yokoyama A. Molecular mechanisms of MLL-associated leukemia.(review) Intl. J. Hematology 101:352-361 (2015).


#Okuda H, #Kawaguchi M, #Kanai A, #Matsui H, Kawamura T, Inaba T, Kitabayashi I,  *Yokoyama A. MLL fusion proteins link transcriptional coactivators to previously active CpG-rich promoters Nucleic Acids Research  42:7 4241-4256 (2014) #co-first author


*Yokoyama A, Ficara F, Murphy M, Meisel C, Hatanaka C, Kitabayashi I, *Cleary ML. MLL becomes functional through intra-molecular interaction not by proteolytic processing. PLOS ONE 8(9):e73649 (2013)


*Yokoyama A, Ficara F, Murphy M, Meisel C, Naresh A, Kitabayashi I, *Cleary ML. Proteolytically cleaved MLL subunits are susceptible to distinct degradation pathways. J. Cell Sci. 124(13): 2208-19 (2011)


*Yokoyama A, Lin M, Naresh A, Kitabayashi I, *Cleary ML .A higher-order complex containing AF4- and ENL-family proteins with P-TEFb facilitates oncogenic and physiologic MLL-dependent transcription. Cancer Cell.17(2): 198-212 (2010)


*Yokoyama A and *Cleary ML. Menin critically links MLL proteins with LEDGF on cancer-associated target genes. Cancer Cell. 14:36-46 (2008) 


Yokoyama A, Somervaille TCP, Smith KS, Rosenblatt-Rosen O, Meyerson M, Cleary ML .The menin tumor suppressor protein is an essential oncogenic cofactor for MLL-associated leukemogenesis. Cell. 21(123):207-218 (2005)


Yokoyama A, Wang Z, Wysocka J, Sanyal M, Aufiero D, Kitabayashi I, Herr W, Cleary ML. Leukemia proto-oncoprotein MLL forms a SET1-like histone methyltransferase complex with menin to regulate Hox gene expression Mol. Cell. Biol. 24(13):5639-5649 (2004)


Kato K, Yokoyama A, Tohya Y, Akashi H, Nishiyama Y, Kawaguchi Y. Identification of protein kinases responsible for phosphorylation of Epstein–Barr virus nuclear antigen leader protein at serine-35, which regulates its coactivator function J. Gen. Virol. 84;3381-3392 (2003)


Yokoyama A, Kitabayashi I, Ayton PM, Cleary ML, Ohki M. Leukemia proto-oncoprotein MLL is proteolytically processed into two fragments with opposite transcriptional properties. Blood. Nov 15;100(10):3710-8. (2002)

Tanaka M, Yokoyama A, Igarashi M, Matsuda G, Kato K, Kanamori M, Hirai K, Kawaguchi Y, Yamanashi Y. Conserved region CR2 of Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen leader protein is a multifunctional domain that mediates self-association as well as nuclear localization and nuclear matrix association. J. Virol. 76(3):1025-32. (2002)


Kitabayashi I, Aikawa Y, Nguyen LA, Yokoyama A, Ohki M. Activation of AML1-mediated transcription by MOZ and inhibition by the MOZ-CBP fusion protein. EMBO J. 20(24):7184-96. (2001)

Yokoyama A, Tanaka M, Matsuda G, Kato K, Kanamori M, Kawasaki H, Hirano H, Kitabayashi I, Ohki M, Hirai K, *Kawaguchi Y.  Identification of Major Phosphorylation Sites of Epstein-Barr Virus Nuclear Antigen Leader Protein (EBNA-LP): The function of EBNA-LP to Induce Latent Membrane Protein 1 Cooperatively with EBNA-2 Is Regulated by Phosphorylation. J.Virol. 75(11):5119-5128 (2001)

Kato K, Kawaguchi Y, Tanaka M, Igarashi M, Yokoyama A, Matsuda G, Kanamori M, Nakajima K, Nishimura Y, Shimojima M, Hang TT, Takahashi E, Hirai K Epstein-Barr Virus Encoded-Protein Kinase BGLF4 Mediates Hyper-phosphorylation of Cellular Elongation Factor 1d (EF-1d): EF-1d is Universally Modified by Conserved Protein Kinases of Herpesviruses in Mammalian Cells. J.Gen.Virol. 82(6):1457-63 (2001)

Kawaguchi Y, Tanaka M, Yokoyama A, Matsuda G, Kato K, Kagawa H, Hirai K, and Roizman B. Herpes simplex virus a regulatory protein ICP0 functionally interacts with a cellular transcription factor BMAL1. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA  98(4) 1877-1882 (2001)

Yokoyama A, Kawaguchi K, Kitabayashi I, Ohki M, Hirai K. The Conserved Domain CR2 of Epstein-Barr Virus Nuclear Antigen Leader Protein is Responsible Not Only for Nuclear Matrix Association But Also for Nuclear Localization. Virology  279, 401-413 (2001)

Kitabayashi I, Aikawa Y, Yokoyama A, Hosoda F, Nagai M, Kakazu N, Abe T, Ohki M. Fusion of MOZ and p300 hitone acetyltransferases in acute monocytic leukemia with a t(8;22)(p11;q13) chromosome translocation. Leukemia 15 89-94 (2001)


Kawaguchi Y, Nakajima K, Igarashi M, Morita T, Tanaka M, Suzuki M, Yokoyama A, Matsuda G, Kato K, Kanamori M, Hirai K. Interaction of epstein-barr virus nuclear antigen leader protein (EBNA-LP) with HS1-associated protein X-1: implication of cytoplasmic function of EBNA-LP. J. Virol. 74(21):10104-11. (2000)


Kitabayashi I, Yokoyama A, Shimizu K, Ohki M. Interaction and functional cooperation of the leukemia-associated factors AML1 and p300 in myeloid cell differentiation. EMBO J. Jun 1;17(11):2994-3004. (1998)

Kitabayashi I, Ida K, Morohoshi F, Yokoyama A, Mitsuhashi N, Shimizu K, Nomura N, Hayashi Y, Ohki M. The AML1-MTG8 leukemic fusion protein forms a complex with a novel member of the MTG8(ETO/CDR) family, MTGR1. Mol. Cell. Biol. 18(2):846-58. (1998)


Yokoyama A, Karasaki H, Urushibara N, Nomoto K, Imai Y, Nakamura K, Mizuno Y, Ogawa K, Kikuchi K. The characteristic gene expressions of MAPK phosphatases 1 and 2 in hepatocarcinogenesis, rat ascites hepatoma cells, and regenerating rat liver. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 29;239(3):746-51. (1997)

Kaya S, Yokoyama A, Imagawa T, Taniguchi K, Froehlich JP, Albers RW. Cloning of the eel electroplax Na+,K(+)-ATPase alpha subunit.  Ann. N Y Acad. Sci. 834:129-31. (1997)